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Current Events Overview Paper

Current Events Overview Paper

Q SCI 120SC Current Events Overview Paper Guidelines and Rubric For Modules 1-6, you will analyze and evaluate a Human Ecology Current Events article. The articles must be published during the term that the course is taken. Write an analysis and evaluation of the article, paying particular attention to the scientific accuracy of the material and focusing on how any problems addressed in the article could have been avoided in the first place or lessons that can be learned and used to create a healthy future human ecology. Be certain to provide a complete Web Address (and citation) for the article in your post. Your Current Event Journal should be approximately 600 words in length. After analyzing and evaluating 6 Current Events Articles for your Journal, write an approximately 600 word overview paper of all the articles you have evaluated. Tie the articles together with an overarching theme such as: What changes are needed in our human ecology to avoid these problems or to create a more sustainable human-nature relationship? Submit the Current Events Overview Paper to the Assignment box no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 7. (This Assignment box may be linked to Turnitin.) Ratings Exceptional A Significantly exceeds expectations Superior A- Exceeds expectations Excellent B+ Expectations met perfectly Very good B Expectations met very well Good B- Expectations met well Above average C+ More than just basic expectations met Average C Basic expectations met Below Average C- Less than basic expectations met Poor D+ Significantly less than basic expectations met Marginal D Barely meets expectations Failure F Minimal expectations not met Criteria for Evaluation Failure Marginal Poor averageBelow Average averageAbove Good goodVery Excellent Superior Exceptional Evaluation of Scientific & Sociological 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Accuracy of Article Lessons Learned to Create a Healthy Future 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Human Ecology Success in tying articles together with an 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 overarching theme Citations/grammar/length 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Total 100 points

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The current events of today are troubling when looking at the effects that Humans had upon the environment. I have provided several current events over the past several weeks which demonstrate the effects that we have on the environment but also a possible solution to one of the biggest problems we face today. The first current event article that I posted I found very interesting was the global evaporation of the lakes. It was stated that about 16% of the worlds lake water would be completely evaporated by the end of the century. (ScienceDaily) The article showed how the immediate challenges we have with our lakes disappearing. The lakes are leaving at such an alarming rate, that Lake Mead which is in the Southwest due to drought and water demand is approximately 40% of its capacity as of August 2017.